God’s Grand Bravado by Kenny Burchett


I am God’s grand bravado, temporal.


Whose hairline recedes like trees forested

on a fleeting ball of dirt, and water.

Several teeth decayed have been extracted.

Soft breasts evolved of pectorals chiseled,

and eyesight dims like the drear dusk of Spring.

I see things less clearly. And more clearly.


I am God’s grand bravado, temporal.


Who acquires heartburn after pizza,

and piss-drizzles in pants after peeing.

Writing is limited. Desire, too.

Joints are stiffer than the chub erection.

Fading body weeps. Soul sings rejoicing


I am God’s grand bravado, temporal.


Quaking for my fill of fury, vapor –

before fading into forgotten Past.

A flame waxing on a candle waning;

the last logs in the hearth sing blazing,


I am God’s grand bravado, temporal.



The contributor Kenny Burchett is featured in the 2016 Rabble, the chapbook campion to the Spring Anthology.

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