Submit to Rabble


Our summer session will be starting soon and we need your art and writing to fill up our chapbook. This year’s theme is:



1. a loud or unpleasant sound

2. a sound that someone or something makes

3.  unwanted electronic signals that harm the quality of something (such as a radio or television broadcast or a digital photograph)

4. irrelevant or meaningless data or output occurring along with desired information


All work submitted for consideration for this project should be, in some way, an interpretation of this theme. We are accepting prose, poetry, and art from VCU students and alumni. Illustrations can be in any colors, including grayscale and black and white. You can submit as many pieces as you like, we will consider each one individually. The deadline for submissions is September 10th, 2015. Please email your submissions as attachments to with the subject line “Rabble submission.” Check our submissions page for more information on the process.

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