The second installment of Poictesme‘s chapbook, Rabble, is here. This publication features the extraordinary work of the ordinary people of VCU. This time around we focused on the chimerical, with stories, poetry, and art of the wildly fanciful and unrealistic. Copies are limited so come pick one up from VCU’s Student Media Center and from Poictesme stands around campus. Our cover art was done by Ameorry Luo and the book design was done by Veronica Sung.
Rabble features writing by Richard DiCiccio, Tomas Daniel Peters, Grant Wolfe, Karthika Solai and art by Raquela Hamman, Dan Nacu, Ilana Bean, Elizabeth Dunford, Maya Chesley, Megan Goldfarb, Elise Ketch, and Josh Williams.